Are Dehumidifiers Safe?

Are dehumidifiers safe? It’s a really important and obvious question, but something that most of us think at some point. We have explored the safety of a whole range of dehumidifiers. Here is our research and findings about the safety aspects.   Leaving dehumidifiers running for long periods of time Leaving running dehumidifiers take quite a … Read more

Why Use a Dehumidifier?

Why use a Dehumidifier? This is a very good question. Up until a few years ago I did not know that such a thing as a dehumidifier even existed. Many people still don’t, and they are still unheard of by some families who rely on using tumble dryers for drying washing and laundry Excess levels … Read more

Dehumidifiers For Damp Cellars

damp cellar dehumidifier

If you live in a house that has a cellar and are unlucky enough for it to be damp, you will most likely have explored many options as to how to reduce the moisture levels in your cellar. So that you can actually store things down there and not have a mould problem. Whilst the … Read more

Unibond Aero 360 Review

unibond aero 360 refill

What is the Unibond Aero 360 and how do you use it? Good question! In this blog post we will discuss the key features and benefits of the Unibond Aero 360 and how it could benefit your home. What exactly is it? The Unibond Aero 360 is a small plastic container with air vents that … Read more

Dehumidifier Vs Tumble Dryer

dehumidifier vs tumble dryer

Dehumidifier or tumble dryer? Which is best you ask? You may have grown up with your parents drying all of the washing either outside or using a tumble dryer – I certainly did. Up until a few years ago, I thought it was the only method of drying clothes indoors.. but then I discovered dehumidifiers. This … Read more

Can You Use a Dehumidifier to Dry Plaster?

dehumidifier to dry plaster

I recently had a large living room skimmed with new plaster and wondered if it would be a good idea to use a dehumidifier to dry the plaster. As tempting as it may be to use this to speed up the drying process (I mean who doesn’t want it to dry ASAP so they can … Read more

Using a Dehumidifier To Dry Clothes & Washing

A dehumidifier can be really handy to dry clothes. In fact, I personally use my dehumidifier to dry clothes! Do any of these situations sound familiar? Not enough space for a tumble drier Worried about the cost of a tumble drier to start with and in electricity costs? Dry clothes on a radiator Put washing … Read more